Knit-Wits, Etc. Group
Knit-Wits Etc, is a group of Morris Memorial folks and their friends who come together twice a month to enjoy fellowship as they knit, crochet, or work on other craft projects for missions. Many of the group's members do a great deal of this work at home as well.
On October 21, 2018 at both of our church services they dedicated items made by the Knit-Wits Etc. group. There were 227 dish cloths which will be placed in Thanksgiving food boxes distributed by Common Grounds and 16 others which will be placed in food boxes distributed by Heart + Hand Outreach Ministries, 16 prayer shawls for the Hospice House, 4 lap robes for the Hospice House, 22 red scarves for women who complete the CAMC heart rehab program, 37 baby blankets (some with hats and mittens) and 23 preemie hats to be distributed by the Ronald McDonald House, 10 hats to be given to homeless persons by Union Mission, 25 lap robes for residents of Eastbrook, and 8 scarves for Heart + Hand food boxes.
For more information, call church office at 304-925-1413.
Common Grounds
Located at 6600 MacCorkle Ave. S.E. in Charleston, Common Grounds serves our community by providing food for many households in Kanawha City and eastern Kanawha County. Common Grounds also provides limited utility assistance. Common Grounds is managed and supported by St. Agnes Catholic, Morris Memorial United Methodist, and Village Chapel Presbyterian churches. We welcome volunteers and contributions of cash and non-perishable food. If you would like to volunteer, contact Susan Vieweg at 304-344-2617. If you would like to know more, click here to read more.
Morris Enrichment Center
Morris Memorial presents a daycare ministry designed to help a child grow socially, emotionally, and physically.
We believe that early learning experiences play an integral part in their intellectual, spiritual and physical development. The children are nurtured in an atmosphere of Christian love while exposed to a variety of teachings and activities. Morris Enrichment Center (MEC) is an essential part of the Christian outreach program of Morris Memorial United Methodist Church. Click here to read more.
Other Local Missions
Morris Memorial supports the work of several other local mission agencies and projects in a variety of ways. Ask us about Union Mission, Heart + Hand Outreach Ministries, the Angel Tree Project, Adopt-A-Family, "Undies Sunday", Habitat for Humanity, and Covenant House. If you would like to learn more about any of these local missions, contact Susan Vieweg at [email protected].
Church League Sports
Morris Memorial is pleased to participate in the Charleston Church Recreation Association (CCRA). We participate in both male and female softball and youth basketball. If interested and would like more information contact the church office at 304-925-1413.
Morris Community Dinners
The Morris Community Dinners are part of the church's outreach to the community.
We are encouraged by the number of community and church members who attend these dinners. The dinners are not the responsibility of any one team of the church but is a mission for the whole church.
As a volunteer you can help with the kitchen prep, serving, set up and clean up or you can help by providing a dessert or making a donation. It's easy to do. Just make your check payable to the church and in the memo put "Morris Community Dinners".
For more information, please send us an email using the form below:
Walk To Emmaus
Walk to Emmaus is a seventy-two hour spiritual "walk with Christ" designed to promote true Christian discipleship. It is an ecumenical program developed by the Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church. Sponsorship is available through those who have previously attended these walks. For more information go to:
Common Grounds
6600 MacCorkle Ave., S.E.
Charleston, WV 25304
Days and Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays
10:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
MISSION STATEMENT: Heeding Jesus' call for unity in prayer and service, we of Morris Memorial United Methodist, St. Agnes Catholic, and Village Chapel Presbyterian Churches seek to unite the gifts of our faith communities for common services to those in need of assistance for all peoples regardless of nationality, age, sex, religious affiliation, or handicap who are in need of assistance. Assistance is offered in a confidential, non-judgmental atmosphere.
Matthew 25:40 "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
In 2007 Father John McDonough of St. Agnes Catholic Church, aware that there were needy families who had limited access to basic food essentials in Kanawha City and the Eastern part of Kanawha County, had a vision of opening a food bank for the poor. He shared his vision with Pastor Barry Moll of Morris Memorial United Methodist Church and he enthusiastically supported it as well. After presentations to their respective churches and receiving very positive responses, Common Grounds opened its doors on September 1, 2007. Soon thereafter Pastor Todd Wright of Village Chapel Presbyterian Church learned of this ecumenical mission outreach and he and his congregation joined in supporting this joint effort as well. Together the churches work in unity to fulfill Christ's work serving those in need.
Common Grounds provide a 2 - 3 day supply of food once a month for qualified families. The size of the box is tailored to the size of the family. Our intent is to provide boxes which include healthy items such as a protein (canned tuna or salmon), canned vegetables, canned fruits (in their own juices), soup, pasta, spaghetti sauce, dry beans, canned beans and corn, peanut butter, a healthy cereal, toilet paper and bar soap. Through food and monetary donations, by taking advantage of sales, by buying in bulk, through discounts offered at a local supermarket, and also bread products donated by a local eatery, we've been able to achieve the goal of providing well-rounded boxes of nutrition to our families. Families are also eligible to sign up for Thanksgiving boxes of food which provide them with a complete holiday meal. In addition, Common Grounds make limited utility assistance available once a year to a family if their bill is a termination notice.
Recognizing the fundamental dignity of all people, Common Grounds seek to help provide the basic emergency needs to those qualified. Qualification is determined by:
- Proof of identity
- Proof of residency - The applicant must reside in Eastern Kanawha County from the 35th Street Bridge in Kanawha City all the way to Montgomery, on both sides of the Kanawha River.
- Proof of income - The applicant must earn no more that 150% of poverty level.
- We also seek to refer families to other appropriate agencies to meet additional needs (eg: additional utility assistance, housing, additional financial assistance, medical care, pharmaceutical assistance, and in emergencies, to provide limited KRT bus passes).
In September, 2018 we will have been in operation 11 years.
- The average monthly family income of the families we serve is $730.92.
- We have 816 active families comprised of 2113 persons.
- We have 2337 inactive families comprised of 6439 persons and their average monthly family income was $669.94.
- In 2017 we distributed 196 Thanksgiving boxes.
If you would like to donate food, please consider selecting from the following list of the foods that are basic to our food boxes.
- Poultry/Fish/Beans - Canned chicken, turkey, tuna, salmon, and canned pork and beans or dried beans.
- Grains - Oatmeal, unsweetened cereals, pastas and macaroni and cheese.
- Vegetables - A large variety of vegetables are welcome (Canned green beans, corn, and/or peas are placed in most boxes; however, other canned vegetables are welcome for variety)
- Fruits/Fruit Juices - A large variety of fruits in their own juices are welcome; applesauce in a jar is placed in most boxes. We are always pleased to be able to give our families a variety of fruits. We usually offer apple juice or tomato juice but would welcome other juices.
- Soups - A large variety of soups are welcome. We usually place chicken noodle soup or tomato soup in our boxes.
- Items we always need - Bars of soap and toilet paper are placed in all boxes, when available, but we can use toothbrushes and toothpaste as well. We can always use dish detergent or laundry detergent too.
- For Homeless persons we also need cans with pop tops, individual fruit or pudding cups, and small hygiene articles (like shampoo).
- Although we have given you a lot of donation suggestions, please know that we are grateful for ANY and ALL donations.
If you would like to donate money to help this ministry continue, please make the check payable to Morris Memorial Methodist Church and on the bottom left memo line of the check write "Common Grounds." You can place the check in the offering plate on Sunday or you can turn it in to the church secretary, Erin Borchers, If you prefer, you can make the check out to Common Grounds and mail it or deliver it to Common Grounds at 6600 MacCorkle Avenue, SE in Charleston, WV 25304 during the hours we are open. Your donations are greatly appreciated! Thanks, in advance, for sharing yourself and your gifts with the less fortunate in our community! May God bless you richly!
Being the kind of mission we are, our needs are ongoing. We are always in need of food and monetary donations. As we are entirely staffed by volunteers, they are at the heart of our outreach program. How can you become involved with Common Grounds and its mission? We are dependent on donations and readily welcome them. You can donate food, you can donate cash or a check, or you can volunteer your time and talents. There are many ways to volunteer here. Please consider it; we'd love to have you join us as together we area Jesus' hands and feet in serving our underprivileged sisters and brothers in our local area.
If you are interested in learning more about Common Grounds or would like a tour or to volunteer here, please contact Susan Vieweg, our Morris' Common Grounds Coordinator at (304) 344-2617.
Morris Enrichment Center
Morris Memorial presents a daycare ministry designed to help a child grow socially, emotionally, and physically.
We believe that early learning experiences play an integral part in their intellectual, spiritual and physical development. The children are nurtured in an atmosphere of Christian love while exposed to a variety of teachings and activities. Morris Enrichment Center (MEC) is an essential part of the Christian outreach program of Morris Memorial United Methodist Church.
Daycare is available from ages six weeks to age 12 years; Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Children are served breakfast, lunch and snacks.
Tuition is charged weekly and we offer 2 day, 3 day and full week rates. We accept cash, checks and credit card payments. Call MEC for information on their rates and programs (304-925-1413).
MEC is proud to be a part of the free Pre-K program for four year-olds provided by the state of West Virginia. MEC is a collaborative site and offers our Pre-K classes on Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. After care is available.
When school ends for the summer, MEC provides Summer Camp for 5-12 year olds. Camp is Monday - Friday from 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Breakfast, lunch and snacks are provided. Field trips may include the Clay Center, Beckley Coal Mine, Hawk's Nest, bowling, swimming and the National Guard. Please contact the Director, Georgeanne Leake, for information on fees and start dates.
MEC offers an after school program for children kindergarten through 5th grade. This program provides a place for the children to be dropped off after school, given a snack, helped with their homework, and guidance until their parents/guardians are able to pick them up. We currently have a bus route with Chamberlain and Kanawha City Elementary Schools.